2018 AANS Annual Scientific Meeting
Cerebrovascular Section Business Meeting
Cerebrovascular Section Business Meeting
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Video Transcription
All right, so we're just going to get started in the interest of time. I don't want to keep everyone forever. I'm Clement Schirmer. I'm the secretary of the section, and this is the annual business meeting. Welcome. This is the agenda. So we're calling this meeting to order. There are actually no minutes that we can formally approve because as it turns out, at the last meeting, we didn't keep any formal minutes. I spoke with Dr. Cockcroft about that the meeting happened, and we will document as such, but there's no actual written minutes to approve. So do I have a motion to accept that instead of written minutes? Second. Okay. All in favor? Thank you. So my brief report, the state of the section is strong. We are still growing as far as members go. We do have a strong and robust website that provides service for everyone and is abused by people all over the world. I have one slide for Adnan to just say two words. I'm sure we're doing fine. The state of the finances also remains very strong, as you can see. We grew about $100,000 overall in total assets. We continue to do very well with our meeting, and we have streamlined the awards. The most important one was the addition of the Ralph Dacey Award, which is fully funded. We also added the Nick Hopkins Award this past year, and we continue to look for your support, and please come to Hawaii. We need your money. Robert James is not here, so he asked me to briefly give his report, although I probably should have turfed that to Stacey. And so the addition of the Dacey Medal prompted the addition of a addition, I'm sorry, the rules and regulations to be amended with a committee as defined by the following proposal, which I will not read to you. This was vetted by the Executive Council and the membership, and this is the short version, and this is as a pointer of information for the membership. This went through the proper channels. And then the next thing is Kevin, I have a couple slides, the same slides from before, but I can flip through them, and you can just speak from there. Okay, so Nominated Committee met. These are the members of the Nominated Committee. It is important to note that Bob Welch, while he is a member of the Nominated Committee, was outside of deliberations that were pertinent to his position. We had five nominees for chair elect, a couple for the other positions. This was the final slate, and I'm happy to announce that Dr. Welch is the new chair elect of the section. The new vice chair of the section is Dr. Lawton. The new members at large are Dr. Bain and Dr., I'm sorry, is Dr. Bain, and the new Nominated Committee member is Dr. Gonzalez. My congratulations to everyone, and in particular to Babu, who is actually present. And that concludes my portion, and Greg has a couple slides. Any questions? Do you plan this interactive? No, we need the old one to HDMI. I'm just going to do this without slides. It'll be all right. It'll be okay. I just wanted the record to be shown that I did go to a speaker ready room, and I was told that for the business meeting, we're supposed to use our computers. So, but that's okay. So basically, I just want to highlight a couple of things. The one thing I was going to say is that it's a privilege to be part of an elite profession like neurosurgery. With this comes great responsibility. Some of you heard this in Los Angeles in February. I just want to say to all the executive council members, of which I have a nice pretty picture of all those people, to the standing committee members, of which I have a picture of all those people, and ad hoc committee members, of which I have pictures of all those people, that I think they are really honoring the specialty by their work in the last calendar year for the CV section. I was just going to highlight a couple of things, including Stav and Scott putting on a great session, CV sessions at the CNS meeting this fall. Brian, Stav, and our SNIS partners putting on a great annual meeting in Los Angeles, and then the conclusion of two great sessions today by Stav and Scott as well. So thank you very much for your work on that. I mentioned that the QOD neurovascular module is expanding, and hopefully a joint registry with SNIS will be happening, and we're working with the FDA to also develop a relationship for that for post-approval of acute ischemic stroke device registry. We are very proud to have started the Nick Hopkins award that will be awarded every CNS now. We're also very proud that there's a Nick Hopkins NREF Young Clinician Investigator Research Award. That was work, especially by Kevin Cockroft, getting that together. We're very proud of the Ralph Dacey Outstanding Cerebrovascular Research Award that was just established in February, and the first awardee, besides Dr. Dacey, will occur at the 2019 meeting. So we're happy about that. The CV section traveling fellowship awards, Adam Arthur and Clemens Schirmer put a lot of work into that. This has been very successful thus far to the point where other sections have come to them asking about doing something similar for other sections. So I think the fact that there's interest beyond our walls is great. We've been doing some very strong advocacy work on neuroendovascular requirements, and in particular, we're proud that the joint commission changed their accreditation for the proposed thrombectomy stroke centers that now you need to be CAST accredited or have similar stringent criteria to perform those procedures at those proposed centers. So I think that's a step in the right direction, and Judy Wong and Nick Bamikidis were leading a lot of that effort, as well as Adnan Siddiqui with his work with CAST. And we also had a great effort among a lot of people at the FDA Neurological Device Advisory Panel in March of 2018, advocating for the care of our aneurysm patients. And so briefly, I think we've had a good year, and I think the section, its members, and the societal partners really are owning up to that great responsibility I think we have to serve our specialists. So thank you, and have a wonderful evening. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video is a transcript of an annual business meeting led by Clement Schirmer, the secretary of the section. The meeting begins with an acknowledgment that there are no formal minutes from the previous meeting. The secretary gives a brief report stating that the section is growing with a robust website and strong finances. The addition of two awards, the Ralph Dacey Award and the Nick Hopkins Award, is announced and support from members is requested. The election results for various positions are shared, with Dr. Welch as the new chair elect. There is also mention of successful events, advocacy work, and future endeavors. The meeting concludes with remarks from Greg appreciating the work of the members. No credits are mentioned.
Asset Caption
Cerebrovascular Section Business Meeting
annual business meeting
section growth
Ralph Dacey Award
election results
member work
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